Thursday, December 1, 2011

Negotiation Skills Training - Ben Franklin's Power Close

One of my beloved negotiation tools is rich in Us history. It was developed from something one of the founding fathers did.

Power Tools

In his autobiography Ben Franklin tells of a tool he developed to help him make foremost decisions. Sometimes he was faced with a selection between two separate courses of activity to take.

When he wasn't sure which course to take he would first get out a blank sheet of paper. Next he would draw a big "T" on the paper. On the top of one side of the "T" he would write the word Pros and on the other side he would write Cons.

Next he would then brainstorm and write down all the pros he could think of for going ahead with the decision. Then he would write all the cons he could think of for not going ahead with the decision.

When he was done with that exercise he said his rejoinder as to what to do was clearly there right on the paper. The one side would have a lot more items than the other side and that was the side that told him what to do.

In my negotiation skills training I teach negotiation skills that generate win-win outcomes. It is sales training with integrity. The theorize I like what is referred to as the "Ben Franklin close" is because it creates a win-win by getting to truth for the customer.

If your expectation is hesitant about his buying decision I like to tell them about Ben Franklin's decision production tool. Then I suggest we try it to help come to the right decision.

If you did your fact finding, goods selection and goods demonstration correctly the Ben Franklin close confirms for your buyer the truth that you excellent the right goods for them.

Your negotiation skills training activity item:

The next time your expectation is on the fence about a buying decision my sales guidance is use the Ben Franklin close. This will help your buyer make the right decision.

Negotiation Skills Training - Ben Franklin's Power Close

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