Fall is just nearby the angle and winter is not far behind. With the changing of the seasons come separate home maintenance jobs. Some of these chores are best complete with the use of power tools. There are a merge of these tools that are practically a necessity for this time of year and some that just make the job easier. So, what should you spend in to unblemished your fall and winter chores? Here are some key pieces to have on hand:
* Snow Blower- Of course, if you live in the Deep South, this isn't a essential tool. However, if you live everywhere where it snows, a snow blower is a great investment. If you've ever hand-shoveled a driveway, you know it's true. Power tools like a snow blower help you save time and muscle ache. There's also a safety issue here. If you let the strangeness of clearing the driveway deter you, it can lead to injuries. Slipping on ice from packed down snow is not fun. If you can plainly blow it away, you're less likely to avoid the task. That's good for you and your neighbors.
* Chain Saw- This is essential for two fall/winter time chores. You can use it to cut much needed firewood without throwing out your back with an axe. Another very important use is for trimming back trees, especially if they are near power lines. A heavy snow or ice storm can break a limb, fall on the lines and cut the power. That's the last thing you need on a cold night in winter.
* Cordless Drill- Of all the power tools, this is a great one to have nearby no matter what time of the year it is. But, for fall, you can use it to tighten or adjust the brackets on your gutters after you've cleaned them out. It also makes short work of storm door installation.
* Power Washer- Fall is a great time to clean the windows and your siding. Investing in a power washer cuts time and makes sure you get all the dirt. Another cleaning in the spring is a good idea too. Once the windows are clean, you make sure they are sealed tight.
* Generator- Ok, so this is not genuinely a power tool, but it will keep them running (unless they're cordless) when the power is out. During the winter, an outage can be devastating. Icy temperatures exterior and no heat inside can be a nightmare. If you have a generator to turn to, you keep your power, stay warm and can also accomplish your repairs.
Before you set out to use your power tools, make sure you read the manuals for precautions and use. You don't want to cut off the wrong limb. Seriously, power tools can be dangerous so knowing how to use them is of utmost importance. It will also keep you from ruining anything project you are working on. Once you drill a hole, it's there either you want it to be or not. Take care of your tools too. Clean and put them away after every use to ensure they have a long life span.
Power Tools - Need For Fall and Winter
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