If you are a man with tattoos you know all too well about the power of tattoos. This may sound a bit silly to non-tattooed people but it is true. Once you have been bitten by the tattoo bug it is hard not to scratch that itch and get more than one tattoo, thus resulting in so many people having any tattoos. Of course there are some people that tend to go a bit overboard with the tattoos, but the God's honest truth is that they do have some sort of controlling power over people.
If you do not want to be bitten by this bug I advise that you don't get a tattoo in the first place. They are extremely additive and once you have one you will want another and probably another and another. Surprisingly, enough if you talk about tattoos on a quarterly basis or just talk to people about tattoos or see man with a new tattoo it sparks the desire to get another tattoo. This strange phenomena can not really be explained. It might have something to do with the natural high and rush one experiences when getting a tattoo and some enjoy the pain that is connected with getting a tattoo. Whatever, the intuit is the controlling power of a tattoo is extremely hard to resit. So if you want a tattoo be prepared for having the desire to get more than one. You really have to have a very strong will power not to succumb to the powers of the tattoo.
Your Tattoo Friend
Do Tattoos Have a Controlling Power?
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