Understanding how magnetic power generator works is quite easy if you have studied the basic magnetic law understanding in elementary physics classes. The real query is "can magnetic generator produce enough free power to power your house"? It can absolutely produce perpetual power if you set up the unit correctly and use the maximum potential magnetic power produced by it.
How Magnetic generator works
As mentioned above the basic principle behind this straightforward magnetic electricity generator is taught in high school. We know that there are two poles of a magnet; north and south poles. If we place the opposite poles of two magnets in front of each other; they attract each other. Similarly when the same poles are placed against each other; a strong repulsive force is generated. Similar poles repulse each other and create a strong magnetic force between them.
Magnetic power generators are designed to use this repulsive force to produce free energy. However in a accepted Diy magnetic generator, three magnets are used for producing perpetual energy. The similar poles of these magnets are placed in such way that they keep working for years unless their position is disrupted because of any reason. It is also called magnetic perpetual appeal generator because of its ability to produce free power forever.
How much free electricity can it produce?
Now you have a fair idea of the basic principle behind this breathtaking expedient which has been nearby for quite some time. It is quite logical to ask if it is superior enough or produce enough electricity for your whole house. The answer is simple; the more superior magnets you use the more electricity will be produced. This straightforward motor can produce more power than it requires to run itself therefore the extra power is harnessed for producing free electricity.
A accepted Diy homemade magnetic generator can be built with just 0. The components are available in any electrical store. You will need straightforward tools like tongs and cutters which can be found in every household. The basic model can be set up for less than 0 which will save your 40-50% of electricity. If you go for developed models; you can naturally eliminate your electricity bill. You can also sell surplus electricity to make some money.
Apart from providing you with free power forever, this expedient does not cause any environmental pollution. It is absolutely the most eco friendly way to produce free energy.
Magnetic Power Generator - Does it no ifs ands or buts Work?
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