There is a valuable question with our power poles; the capacitors comprise a gas which if it escapes in 1000 more times damaging to the ozone than carbon dioxide. In areas of high lightening strikes this can be quite serious. Lightening strikes are quite coarse in the United States. They often will hit a power pole and take out the capacitor. There are also valuable issues in Hurricane prone coastlines. We must also reconsider the wild fires out west and the Earthquakes too. When these power poles are hit they often publish these gases into the climate and the float upward and wreak havoc on the Ozone layer.
If we are truly worried about climate change and the protection of living species on the covering of the planet we need to mitigate this question and it mist likely should be addressed in the power Bill, which Congress cannot seem to get through. All countries should be involved with this. As in Asia the 20 Typhoons last year were valuable indubitably and the whole of power pole capacitors destroyed was huge. Sounds like a good business to be in, simply by supplying new ones to all parts of the world. Fires, lightening, Earthquakes are not only coarse to Us soil, in fact as bad as we get hit by natural disasters occasionally we are commonly on one of the safest continents on the planet. If you have ever witnessed a natural disaster in person or been near a capacitor when it gets hit by lightening it truly explodes and the keen white light wholly temporarily blinds you.
Wooden power poles are problematic of policy and often steal structure power poles are used. Yet if we used nano type material we could have interior cavities, which could take the gas from the capacitors into the interior of the structure, which would keep it safe from escaping. Once the threat of fire, weather or Earthquake was gone, it could be returned to the covering capacitors, which are best for cooling purposes. It is imperative that we use our technologies to curb climate change. Nano tech structures for power lines are just one method we must look into. We must forestall these harmful gases from escaping into the atmosphere. Think on this.
Nano Material Power Poles with Interior Capacitors
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