Positive affirmations are superior tools to help you manifest what you desire into your life. This is not a new opinion but now that science has documented a new power field, naturally called The Field, that they say is the customary component of all things, sure affirmations have new and superior meanings.
Everything that exists is made up of power in the form of radiating wavelengths. The denser the form, a rock for example, the lower the power levels, at the other end of the spectrum there exists things that have high levels of energy. These high power level forms are things like light, colors, and thoughts.
Yes, thoughts!
You see, the things we think about are sent from us as power and permeate the things and habitancy nearby us. all things starts as a thought! Ford motor business started as a opinion in the head of Henry Ford, it was his idea of bringing the automobile to the masses that created the Ford Empire we know today. The skyscrapers that line our beautiful cities, at one time, were thoughts in an architect's mind.
In order to understand the power of sure affirmations we need to better understand the power of our thoughts. The things we think about continuously will materialize in time. Therefore, it is leading to all the time think sure thoughts. When you spend your time thinking about what you lack in life, all you will ever have is lacking. In order to collect all that you wish for you must focus on it with laser accuracy and put a plan in place to perform it. Affirmations give us this focus and keep us going in the right direction.
Thoughts, when focused on and combined with passion, in time, are manifested into reality. That is the power of sure affirmation, it is the repeated reading of a statement or opinion that gets into the sub-conscious mind and radiates from us to attract the considerable means to bring forth that opinion into reality.
It is the absolute knowing, with the absence of doubt, that you will collect what it is you desire. It doesn't matter if it is a material possession, love, or spirituality; we come to be the things that we think about. Unfortunately, if all we focus on is negative things or wishes all we will ever have is negativity and mere wishes.
By using sure affirmations and repeating our desires and goals daily in our thoughts we begin to manifest them into reality. Suddenly, changes begin to happen in our lives that begin to bring forth our desires. If we want more financial freedom and use affirmations aimed at acquiring more wealth then, practically miraculously, we get the promotion we wanted or our business takes a turn for the better providing the added earnings we desire.
This must be done in the sense that what it is you desire has already manifested itself. Do not use an affirmation that is stated as a want or desire. A good example in the case of financial freedom would be:
Wealth flows into my life like the water of the streams and rivers to the oceans. I have fullness of earnings to meet my needs, with lots left over to help my fellow man.
You consideration that there is no asking for wealth or money it is stated as if you already have it. By sending this message out into the universal intelligence, the field, it will attract like energies and manifest itself into reality. Things that we perceive as miracles are the fruition of thoughts that have manifested themselves into reality. That is the power of prayer and meditation, God gives us what we ask for, good or bad!
Use this simple guide to let the power of sure affirmations help you in your life.
1. Write down on paper what it is you desire. It is best to keep this personal, sharing it with others only allows negativity into your mind. Society, family, and friends like to tell us that things can't be done. They mean well but you do not want to let those thoughts enter your mind. Memorize the affirmation and remember to keep it in the sense that you already have what it is you desire.
2. In the morning when you have time to yourself repeat the affirmation 20 times. Make sure that it is stated with emotion and passion, not just stated out loud. Envision yourself with your desire and how you will be once it becomes reality. Repeat the process before you go to bed at night.
3. Any time you feel yourself doubting your desire or any negative thoughts enter your mind, clear your mind and repeat your sure affirmation. Do not let negative thoughts or setbacks deter your focus from achieving your desire.
4. Lastly, stay focused and be receptive to opportunities when they present themselves. The path to your desires may not come in the form that you envision! So pay concentration and be alert to opportunity.
I hope this article has helped you see the inherent in yourself and the power you have when you use sure affirmations. I promise, that if you will use these simple steps as outlined above you will see great changes in your life. It is leading to understand that what we think about becomes our realities in life, so be meticulous what you think about.
Good Luck on your Journey!
The Power of determined Affirmations
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